Stanton Square is a park located just three blocks from the Capitol. I first visited at noon on a Thursday. The park was almost deserted except for children and their caretakers using the playground at one side of the park. I say "caretakers" because I'm sure some were mothers and some were nannies and in most cases I could not distinguish them nor did I try. I saw no men in the park except for a couple walking through. And I did not get many pictures because I don't shoot at playgrounds; people are very protective of their kids these days. I decided another visit to Stanton Square was in order.
My second visit was on a sunny, hot Sunday afternoon. Again, the playground was well used, this time by fathers as well. But there were lots of other people in the park - individuals, couples, small groups, and dogs walking their owners. With two exceptions, every adult in the park was twenty-something or thirty-something.
The first picture here shows a young man and his dog walking by a young woman engrossed in trying to get a head start on her MBA. The second shows the only African-American I saw in the park. The third shows a group of friends engaged in a lively and protracted discussion with the playground in the background.
A sociological footnote and inquiry: People really do watch out for one another, at least here. While I was taking pictures of the MBA woman, another young woman, and a young man, one of the playground moms came over to be sure they knew that I was taking pictures of them. (I had asked beforehand.) I wonder whether playground mom would have been so concerned if I had been a young woman instead of a middle-aged man?
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